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Who We Are

Our Mission

The Catholic Woman’s Club (CWC) was founded in 1914 to promote Catholic ideals through spiritual growth, cultural involvement, educational advancement, civic pursuits, and philanthropic endeavors. The CWC promotes a community feeling among its members and offers opportunities for apostolic projects, as well as social and fellowship events.

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What We Do Charitably

Every December, when the CWC schedules its annual Christmas party, its members choose to make donations to a designated charity in lieu of personal gifts. The chosen charity is invited to attend the festivities and the donations are presented to the recipient at that time.


During the spring of each year, the Club hosts a fund-raising event to benefit selected charities and provide funds to support scholarships to eligible students of St Gertrude High School. Examples of some of the types of charitable organizations supported by CWC are as follows:


  • caring for disabled people without financial resources;

  • supporting victims of sexual and domestic violence;

  • providing affordable assisted living;

  • providing basic human services and health care to impoverished individuals;

  • educating incarcerated women with the goal of reducing recidivism;

  • providing medical services for unplanned pregnancies;

  • addressing senior hunger and isolation.


These donations are made at the close of the Club year to organizations such as those listed above, which are dedicated to providing needed services to the community.


In addition to these contributions, Club members generously volunteer their time throughout the year to numerous charitable organizations in Richmond.


What We Do Spiritually

In addition to the many activities in which the Club members participate in their local parishes, the Club schedules two main spiritual occasions scheduled each year:


  • A Memorial Mass for deceased Club members from the previous year is held annually at which families of the deceased members are invited to attend.

  • A Day of Recollection, with a guest priest as Retreat-Master, is scheduled during the Lenten season.


What We Do Socially

The Club members enjoy socializing during a monthly cards & games day as well as an annual Christmas Party. In addition, book reviews are held three (3) times each year, and three (3) of the five (5) general membership meeting programs feature a guest speaker followed by a light buffet lunch. In the spring, the Club schedules a bus trip, and, of course, there are fundraiser events that also add opportunities to socialize  and meet new people.

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